This presents the perfect opportunity to bond with the kids, hear them out, the wonderful stories that they have to share and try to keep pace with the unending list of questions they want to ask . Morning assembly is when i have had the most candid and interesting conversations with my kids..
One time we started discussing how each thing that is bought from the shop has a fixed price called MRP. One should never pay more than what is printed on the packet as MRP. The kids took this information and started compiling a list of all the things they buy and its MRP. Now they ensure that they are always paying the right amount for whatever they buy.
Another wonderful question posed to me by one of my kids after seeing a car was.."Didi why are tyres always round?"..This led to us discussing in class how circular objects can rotate and spin around an axis and how it is not possible using other shapes. They used their imaginations to make vehicles with the different types of tyres and we debated on whether the vehicle would be able to move or not..
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